Better with Less – Design Challenge 2022

Client: Metsa Board

Watch the case film

Metsa Board Leading European producer of premium fresh fibre paperboards wants to challenge the world and began with Design students, Professional Designers and Design companies to totally rethink packaging, to look for new innovative sustainable materials which could be used to design a zero waste future for packaging.


The Better with Less ideology is all about creating circular packaging of the future. In a society that already has more than it needs, we believe in using less materials without compromising quality.  In purposeful reuse and effective recycling. 

We look for new lighter and smarter solutions for some of the most common consumer packages. To deliver better experiences with less impact on the environment.  

The brief for the designers: 

Can you redesign the beautiful to be impactful?  How do you imagine the zero waste packaging of the future? Can you make a difference – can you create better with less?


The implementation is a design competition, The Better with Less - Design Challenge, calling change makers and designers to make an impact. The main campaign asset is a website for the challenge, this is supported through PR, social media assets, longer form films and written articles. We also selected a group of celebrated designers, sustainability experts and brand managers as our jury to judge the work, these became our influencers, posting on their own channels to amplify the campaign. This is the 3rd year the competition has taken place, each year there has been a different key target, also the jury members are always different based on the subject we are trying to make an impact on. The campaign was decided to be built in this way as we wanted to impact as many people as possible on a global scale. The lead website provided a platform for participants to come to understand the problem and formulate their solutions.


The Jury

A world-class jury of renowned package design experts will be looking for lighter, smarter, and circular solutions for some of the most common consumer packages.

Andrew Gibbs, Founder & Editor in Chief, The Dieline

Ben Parker, Founder, Made Thought

Brandi Parker, Head of Sustainability, Pearlfisher

Brian Collins, Chief Creative Officer, Collins

Carin Blidholm Svensson, Creative Director & Founder, BVD

Diana Sanchez, Visual Design Associate Manager, Accenture Song

Ilkka Harju, Packaging Services Director, Metsä Board

Jennifer Patrick, Global Packaging & Brand Director, Patagonia

Sian Sutherland, Co-founder, Plastic Planet


Cosmetics & Wellbeing, Electronics, Fashion, Food.

Climate change and plastic pollution are imposing increasing pressure on brands to deliver on their sustainability promises. At the same time they want packaging to provide distinctive consumer experiences and interaction with the brand. Beautifully crafted consumer packaging may come with a heavy environmental impact. How can we simplify packaging solutions without sacrificing aesthetics or function? Can we reinvent packaging for a zero-waste unboxing experience?

Zero-waste Experience

Zero-waste Convenience


Delivery services, eCommerce, Takeaway food & drink.

The popularity of eCommerce and home delivery services has led to a growth in the amount of packaging materials and waste. How can packaging design improve convenience while facilitating recycling and decreasing the use of resources and waste? What does the future of circular delivery packaging look like?

Zero-waste Wildcard


Anything goes

For the designs that answer to the challenge, but do not fit under Convenience or Experience. We want to discover innovative designs for all types of packaging that have circularity in mind. Something you only dreamed about? Something that can change the way the world looks at a piece of paper? Something that can revolutionize household recycling?

The Categories

Kids Headphone Packaging

‘Kid’s Headphones Packaging’ focuses on the usability of the packaging from the consumer’s point of view. Through elegant design engineering, the packaging is easy to open and provides excellent protection of the product – showing how simple is often best. The packaging is easy to recycle and takes into account the reuse aspect, as the inner part of the packaging offers the possibility to store the headphones. The reuse is supported by the aesthetic presentation and pure and clean paperboard material used.

Cardboard Protecting Filler

'Cardboard Protecting Filler', a TV or electronics transport protection solution. The packaging was designed by Marcin Michalski, Monika Klimpel and Adrian Olejnik. The solution creates a protective beam-like structure on the TV packaging, protecting the contents on each side of the package. The packaging, made of fresh fibre paperboard, is lightweight and durable, supporting the circular economy in terms of  easy recycling and minimising the amount of material used.


'RESHAPE'. Dawid Thiel's packaging concept is designed to work for a wider range of products thanks to an innovative packaging format, which significantly reduces the number of packaging items that need to be stored. The graphics guide the consumer to tailor the packaging to their specific needs.

The Winners

Results & Findings

Hundreds of entries from over 27 countries.