Metsä Tissue have seen huge changes in their competitive landscape as new foreign brands have entered the Finnish market. Price has always been the main purchase driver in this category. Due to the economic downturn, it has become even more important for consumers.

This has directed retailers to give more shelf space for imported low-cost brands. However, consumers are vastly unaware that these cheaper foreign papers come with a big toll on the climate: due to the long-distance transportation the carbon emissions are manifold compared to buying Serla or Lambi, which is locally produced in Mänttä.


Foreign brands taking over

Something had to be done, and actions needed to be timely. The campaign had to stand out, reach the whole nation and challenge people’s thinking – most of which felt distant to what the Lambi and Serla brands are about. However, this was Metsä Tissue talking, on behalf of all local consumer brands.

As the campaign would put a spotlight on the sustainability aspects of Lambi and Serla, we had to make sure that whatever we would communicate, it had to be fully backed up by facts.


Main target audience: Finnish consumers. Once we’d get them to prefer local products, we could reach our secondary target audience: corporate customers.

A new approach

Half of Finns are willing to purchase a cheaper option due to inflation even if it isn’t a domestic product.

A survey conducted by S-Group (08/2022, n=8002)

Toilet paper is a convenience product with habitual buying patterns, meaning that a consumer buys it with little research or comparison. This often results in people acting differently than they say, also called the attitude-behaviour gap – we want to be perceived as more sustainable than we actually are.

While these imported options may be cheaper, they often have a higher environmental impact. Something that might not even cross the mind of a typical consumer. Choosing locally produced products also supports local economy and employment, ensures transparency and strengthens the security of supply.


People don’t think about toilet paper

It’s ridiculous to buy toilet paper from abroad, especially when living in one of the most forested countries in the world, and where forests are also sustainably managed.

As we brought two distinct brands together that don’t share a set of brand guidelines, we had to come up with a new way of communicating that would fit both Lambi and Serla.

We used visual cues typically associated with low-cost brands, such as vibrant colours and bold shapes. The choice of mimicking offer stickers to communicate our key message made the assets stand out, especially in the in-store environment – where the final purchase decision is made.


Cheap, yet effective

Meillä ei ole varaa

Meillä ei ole varaa ostaa mitään miettimättä sen alkuperää. Jokainen ostopäätös on joko valinta kotimaiselle työlle ja taloudelle, tai niiltä pois. Tukemalla paikallista tuotantoa vahvistamme maamme kestävyyttä ja kantokykyä vaikeinakin aikoina.

Meillä ei ole varaa ostaa kaukomailta kuljetettua vessapaperia. Sen hinta luonnolle on liian kova: kuljetuspäästöt ovat moninkertaiset verrattuna Mäntässä valmistettuihin tuotteisiimme. Kaukaa tuodusta katoaa helposti myös läpinäkyvyys – millaisia tekoja luonnon monimuotoisuuden eteen tehdään, vai tehdäänkö mitään?

Meillä ei ole varaa olla valitsematta kotimaista.

The campaign utilised a mix of different assets, catering to varying audience preferences. Some assets were more heavy on copy, while others served as teasers, directing audiences to the campaign website for a deeper dive into the cause + facts behind the claims.

The key message “We can’t afford” was aimed to get people curious to learn more about what was going on. Afford what? Afford buying anything else but locally produced products!

Media: print (HS Sunday front page, Pirkka), online, OOH (nationwide), DOOH (stores/malls), social media, POS.

The campaign was linked to a charitable initiative, reinforcing its positive impact. Partnering with the charity organisation Nyyti, which supports the mental health of students – Finland’s future workforce.


2024: Made in Mariestad

During the two-month campaign period, Metsä Tissue sold 2.6 million Lambi & Serla products, resulting in a 130,739.55€ donation to Nyyti ry – which will help fund the charity for the next two years.

The positive response achieved in Finland encouraged a decision to replicate the campaign in Sweden, rolling out in the beginning of 2024. This expansion underscores the campaign's scalability, positioning it as an exemplary model for promoting locally produced goods and fostering sustainability on a global scale.