Muoto Logo – Design

Client: Metsä

Muoto® is a new 3D molded packaging start-up launched in 2022 by Metsä’s innovation company. The new technology and factory, still in development, has the potential to turn Finnish wood-fibre into clean, sustainable packaging forms on a large industrial scale to challenge problem plastics.

The Background

The brief was to create a logo and mark for this new brand that would fit the companies connection to the forest combined with their bold mission to develop this new wood pulp molding technology. All with the aim to use bio-based renewables to replace the problem of plastics and polluting packaging.

The Starting Point

We felt that a robust and strong logo would best match the kind of everyday, bulk products the company manufactures. While a carefully crafted symbol could represent Muoto’s industrial scale ambition to turn the plastics problem towards a more sustainable alternative.

The logo mark is an embodiment of the brand, its traceable raw material (the tree), the stackable nature (the product) and its 3D molded technology.

The Approach